NYU Seeking Social Computing Fellow

The Department of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University is pleased to announce the availability of a postdoctoral position as a Social Computing Research Fellow. Fellows conduct foundational research into the relationships between information technologies and society as part of the Intel Science and Technology Center (ISTC) for Social Computing. In addition to pursuing independently defined projects, the fellow will work with Professors Helen Nissenbaum and Erica Robles-Anderson and will also have opportunities to work with leading researchers in social computing, digital culture, and values in design, members of the Center at other participating universities. Applications from a variety of disciplines are welcome, including engineering and computer sciences, philosophy, design, information sciences, STS, media studies, law, and traditional social sciences and the humanities.

These one-year positions may be renewable for a second year; teaching in the department may be an option, depending on availability and interest. Fellows also assist with project-related administration and events. Interested candidates should apply via email to Jamie Schuler (jamie.schuler@nyu.edu), Grants Administrator, Department of Media, Culture, and Communication. Please include: CV with cover letter, writing sample or representative publication, and the names of three references, including relationship, and contact information (email addresses and phone numbers). Applicants who have not yet earned their degrees must provide a letter from their academic advisor confirming the expectation of degree by start of the fellowship. Review of applications will begin February 28, 2014.