Must Read books in Religion & Social Media

Religion Dispatches has published an article on trends in religion and social media which highlights the five must read books in this area. As the article states:

"The five books below, potentially obscured by the abundance of how-to guides on new media and religion, address new, more sophisticated questions about how technology participates in religious practice. The authors also explore the adaptation and extension of existing religious practices with social technologies as well as how those practices will continue to be reshaped through the interplay of meaning, message, and media. They anticipate deeper questions religious communities will be asking about social media and the practice of religion in the coming year and beyond."

Recommendations include:

Heidi Campbell, ed., Digital Religion: Understanding Religious Practice in New Media Worlds (New York: Routledge, 2013).

Jana Marguerite Bennett, Aquinas on the Web? Doing Theology in an Internet Age (New York: T&T Clark International, 2012).

Julie Anne Lytle, Faith Formation 4.0: Introducing an Ecology of Faith in a Digital Age (Morehouse, 2013).

Andrew Root, The Relational Pastor: Sharing in Christ by Sharing Ourselves (Downers Grove: IVP Books, 2013).

Elizabeth Drescher, Tweet If You Heart Jesus: Practicing Church in the Digital Reformation (Morehouse, 2011).

The full article is found at: