Mel Alexenberg

Real name: 
Emunah College, Jerusalem, Israel
Bio Statement: 
I am an artist, educator, writer, and blogger exploring digital culture and spirituality, new media and Jewish consciousness, kabbalah of everyday life, and postdigital art forms. My artworks exploring digital technologies, spirituality, and global systems are in the collections of forty museums worldwide. I am professor emeritus of art and Jewish thought at Ariel University, former professor at Columbia University, and research fellow at MIT Center for Advanced Visual Studies. Author of Photography God: Creating a Spiritual Blog of Your Life and The Future of Art in a Postdigital Age: From Hellenistic to Hebraic Consciousness. Current writing Smartphone Culture: Linking Personal and Biblical Narrative through Blogart Photography and Twitter Poetry. I live in Ra'anana, Israel.
Private profile: 
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Member for
8 years 6 days